Tumor remission is rare in laboratory mice

During experiments with Dr. Bengston, we observed that tumor-containing mice in both the treated group and the control groups were healed (Moga and Bengston, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2010; 24(3): 397-410).  In other words, all groups showed some degree of tumor remission.  Some may argue that because the mice in the control groups healed, the results can be accounted for by the fact that these mice would have healed anyway, even if nothing had been done.  In other words, these were not mice that would have died, but would have gone through the remission process naturally.

This explanation is unlikely for the following reasons:

  1. “Resistance to challenges with aggressive mouse transplantable cancer cells…is rare for laboratory mice.” (Hicks et al., PNAS, 2006; 103 (20): 7753-7758). In other words, tumor remission is rarely seen in mice that have been injected with aggressive tumor cells. In our study with Dr. Bengston, we injected transplantable mouse mammary adenocarcinoma tumor fragments (H2712), obtained from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) tumor repository. These tumor cells have been well-studied. According to the NCI data sheet, 5mm-sized tumors can be detected between 11-19 days post-injection with H2712. Survival period is 14-27 days, meaning that these tumor fragments kill susceptible mice strains very quickly.
  2. H2712 cells contain mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV). MMTV was discovered as an infectious, cancer-inducing agent in the 1930s, and has been extensively studied as an animal model for human breast cancer (Ross, Viruses, 2010; 2: 2000-2012).  “MMTV-induced tumor incidence in inbred mice of different strains ranges from 0 to as high as 100%.  Mice of the C3H strain…are highly susceptible to MMTV.” (Golovkina, Journal of Virology, 2000; 74(6):2752-9).  Some strains are resistant to MMTV, but we used the susceptible C3H mouse strain, and observed that 96% of our injected mice developed tumors within two weeks. The combination of transplanted cancer cells containing MMTV and an inbred mouse strain susceptible to MMTV makes spontaneous tumor remissions in our experiments highly unlikely.
  3. The healer, Dr. Bengston, did not focus his attention on just the “treated” group.   Bengston does not like to see animals suffer, so he used a global image to heal all of the tumor-injected mice associated with my lab.  He did not know how many control groups we used or the locations of the different control groups.  It made no difference how we set up the experiment.  His intent was to heal them all.  The best explanation for the tumor remission in the control groups is that the healer chose to heal these mice.

Our culture believes cancer can only be successfully treated with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, so tumor remissions following interaction with a “healer” cannot be possible – they must be fraud, delusion or deception. Contrary to this belief, the Bengston experiments hold promise for a medicine of the future based on resonant vibrations, rather than on tissue-injuring interventions.  In popular culture, this view would be represented by Dr. McCoy in Star Trek, but support for such a future can also be found in Dr. Richard Gerber’s books on Vibrational Medicine and, recently, the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE competition.  Seer Penny Kelly in her book, Robes: A Book of Coming Changes, describes a vibrational medicine of the future which is close to what I imagine possible.