Universal Laws

“Universal Laws” are talked about in channelled material and in New Thought publications, and even in popular psychology, as laws governing creation and maintenance of reality – laws not yet known by science.  The Universal Law most familiar to readers is probably the Law of Attraction, which received attention in the movie The Secret, and is discussed in many popular books, such as Ask and it is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks, and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

The Law of Attraction is considered pseudoscience by some. But, considering the large number of books on the subject, it seems to hold quite an “attraction” (pun intended) in our modern thinking, and so, is worth examining.  Perhaps there is a way or ways to test the Law of Attraction and other Universal Laws scientifically through the experimental method?  The Law of Attraction has a magnetic feel to it, so maybe magnetic fields are involved.  Here are 4 Universal Laws, in brief, that I was able to find in this book:

Universal Law 1:  Law of Attraction.

Simply stated, ‘like attracts like’.   Positive thoughts attract positive outcomes.  Negative thoughts attract negative conditions.  At the heart of this Law is the idea that thoughts are energy.  Emotions add to the effect, and emotions are also energy.  Tangible, measurable energy.  I have always thought that thoughts (and emotions) could be detected in the near environment – not just on the surface of the skull as in an EEG.  We know that our thoughts can affect our physiology, but how do thoughts work at a distance, in the outer world, attracting positive experiences?  The Law of Attraction implies some sort of polarity or charge, positive and negative.

If we all practiced this Law, it would bring clarity to our lives.  Our friends, family, society would encourage us to be mindful, to think out what positive good we wanted in our lives, help us to recognize our talents and what we have to offer, and to adjust our thinking and actions as we became more clear as to what we desired in this human experience.  It is what our education should be providing now – not the content delivery and skills to be a “slave” currently being taught.  We would learn to take responsibility for our thoughts and emotions – and to recognize the power of our thoughts, letting go of the victim experience, ultimately becoming empowered.  Talk about changing the planet at the grassroots level!  The Law of Attraction forms the foundation for all the other Laws.

Universal Law 2:  Law of Deliberate Intent. 

Napoleon Hill emphasized that persistence and having a “thought of definite purpose” were the key to success with the Law of Attraction.  Hence, this second law is what is necessary to make the Law of Attraction work.  Purposefully withdrawing your fear and negative thoughts, for example, once you are aware of them, with the deliberate intent of doing so, is using this Universal Law.  But it is difficult to “stop thoughts”.  A better method is to substitute another thought supporting your focus and desires.  Thus, the words “deliberate intent”.  Deliberately create a new thought and focus.  Imagine it.  Feel it.  Create an image of what you desire or an affirmation, and persist with it.

If you are unable to maintain focus on your desire or what you wish to create, then it does not occur.  You are, as the Bible says, “praying amiss”.  When you focus on your desire in a sincere manner, then you are in “constant prayer” for you are within the creative, expansive expression that originates from Source.  Creating something big in our lives, a dream, a project, feels like a prayer, like being in a strong river of current.

Universal Law 3: Law of Allowance. 

Allowance is difficult because we have been conditioned to believe that control is necessary – we must control others to get what we want.  In order to activate the full powers of the Universal Laws, our focus, what we desire to attain/achieve, must provide freedom for all that it will affect, not enslavement and manipulation of others, but working in cooperation with their desires.  Freedom for all, as author Neville Goddard says.

Another aspect of allowance is patience, allowing the creative process to unfold.  Focusing on our desires without tension.  With confidence, trusting the process and allowing it to happen.

Universal Law 4: Law of Balance.  

In Penny Kelly’s book, The Elves of Lily Hill Farm, the elves tell her that humans need to learn about balance.  She asks, “the balance of nature”?  No, they say, the “nature of balance”.  What is balance?  How can we achieve it?  Ultimately, balance is reached through understanding and practice of the 3 basic Universal Laws: attraction, deliberate intent and allowance.  Working with these Laws in our own lives, experimenting with them, will take time, so we need other, more immediate ways to balance ourselves.  One way is to focus on the Present or Now, as emphasized by Eckhart Tolle and others.  Ruminating or obsessing about the Past or Future, we get out of balance.  Our balance point is in the Present.

Meditation and energy healing are balancing techniques.  Entering the still point during meditation allows for connection to the Soul and balance to reached, for a short time anyway.  Because we are all interconnected, it is difficult to maintain balance amidst so much imbalance.  Thus, the daily need for rebalancing in this time.

So, in summary:  Attraction, intention and allowance leading to balance through application within experience.  I will be looking for apps and ways to test the Law of Attraction in coming months.