How Healers Become Interested in Energy Healing: A Survey

Energy healing is becoming more acceptable, but it is still misunderstood.  Skeptics think that it is a “delusion” or a “magical belief” that leads individuals to practice or seek energy healing.  How healers become interested in energy healing is never asked.

I got interested in energy healing because of two energy healing experiences.  In the first experience, I felt the effects of distant healing  firsthand.  I was working in a lab in Pittsburgh.  It was my third post-doctoral fellowship, which was depressing as post-docs are not treated very well, so I wrote a healer in Germany asking for help.  While doing an experiment, I suddenly ‘knew’ that she wanted me to be happy, and most amazingly, I  felt a ‘doughnut’ of energy around my mid-torso, like an energy life-preserver, buoying me up.  My symptoms of depression disappeared and did not return.

In the second experience, I attended a Healing Touch demonstration by Lisa Anselme RN, executive director of Healing Beyond Borders.  As she cleared the energy of a volunteer, I could ‘feel’ the energy from six feet away, like a wind pulling me in.  Here is a photo of a Healing Touch practitioner doing “magnetic passes”, clearing energy of a client, which I obtained from a good introductory website:

Because of my neuroanatomy background, I immediately thought that for energies to be perceptible, the energy or energies must be interacting with sensory nerves in the human body, therefore, such energies are real and can be measured.  This led me to my magnetic field experiments with healers, documented elsewhere in this blog.

I am curious to find out if other healers became interested in energy healing because they felt or experienced something?  If so, could you take a few minutes to describe the experience or experiences that led you to energy healing?

Here is a short survey to enter your responses.  No one has done this research!  There are many anecdotal reports from healers, but no actual study asking how healers become interested in energy healing.   I hope to publish these findings in a journal such as the  International Journal of Healing and Caring.

Becoming a Healer Information Sheet

All healers are welcome to participate, at any level of practice.  To take the short survey, click here.

Thank you for participating in this study!